Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Kerala text-book controversy


What happens in Kerala in the name of a seventh standard Lesson on religion can only be described as chimaerical roadshow. It is not an innocent sort of reaction from some fundamentalists, but a calculated move to create confusion, much ado about nothing. Read more here ... Sphere: Related Content


Anil Tharayath Varghese said...

Dear Achen

Kudos to all who support the text book from the arenas of the church. one ppoint to make
Those who object to a
child being admitted to school without being affiliated to any religion, donot consider clear anti-creation science being taught in school not a threat
to religion, at all.
Isn't it hilarious?

Anil Tharayath Varghese said...

Dear Achen

Kudos to all who support the text book from the arenas of the church. one ppoint to make
Those who object to a
child being admitted to school without being affiliated to any religion, donot consider clear anti-creation science being taught in school not a threat
to religion, at all.
Isn't it hilarious?