Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Large Hadron Collider :The fires of creation

On Wednesday, physicists turn on the multibillion-pound machine that will recreate the birth of the universe

In search of God Particle

The most likely result from the LHC is detection of a single Higgs particle. This Higgs is required to break the unified symmetry of electroweak forces into the separate electromagnetic and weak forces we see. Many physicists also think it likely that evidence will be found for supersymmetry, strings, or new dimensions -- but I disagree. If the LHC does see multiple new particles, my guess is these will be several different Higgs, compatible with the breaking of a unified symmetry of all forces existing at the smallest distances. Whatever the outcome, it will be very exciting to uncover nature's beauty at this tiny scale
.Science and Religion: LHC: The fires of creation
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