Permanent tattooing: How does this occur ?
A TedEd video on how permanent tattooing occur.
Personally I am against permanent tattooing. Not that I have anything
against tattooing but everything ag...
Civil disobedience and conscientious objection
The question of civil disobedience has preoccupied philosophical discourse
at least since Thoreau's articulation of disobedience as a form of
Revisiting the immigrant press
Over time, research on the ‘immigrant press’ in the communication field has
been subsumed by other theoretical concepts, particularly ‘ethnic’ and
The Mezzanine
The history of urban design and urban planning is often conceptualized
through a tension between top-down and bottom-up realizations of power.
This binar...
*Holy Spirit in the Theology of Pandipeddi Chenchiah: An Indian
The study of Holy Spirit has made a vibrant move in west as...
Attn: Suparna,Olga,jayanti Shobhaa’s Take 13thFriday2015
Does stealth always works ....?
What Awaaz Network achieved on Remembrance Day in London is an
ടോം ജോസഫും വോളിബോൾ കാലങ്ങളും....
ടോം ജോസഫിനു അർജ്ജുനാ അവാർഡ് കിട്ടുമ്പോൾ ഞാൻ സന്തോഷിയ്ക്കുന്നു...
ഒരു കാലത്ത് വോളിബോളിലെ "സ്മാഷ് " വീരന്മാരെ ആരാധനയോടെ കണ്ടു നിന്നിട്ടുണ്ട്..
A final farewell
Thank you for stopping by.
Today, we powered down Google Reader. We understand you may not agree with
this decision, but we hope you'll come to love thes...
(Writing) Style Wars: A New Hope
Strunk and White’s The Elements of Style is a classic style guide, and it’s
useful in many ways. Arguably one of its biggest contributions is that it
gets ...
1 comment:
well its nice to know that you have great hits here.
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