Thursday, November 13, 2008

Obama gives hope


This year, we all voted with pride for Barack Obama.Much has been said about Obama as a child of a black father and a white mother. What has not been appreciated is his appeal to those of us who are immigrants because of his early years in Indonesia.

Obama speaks to those of us who love this country and have made it our adopted home. Even though Obama is a child of a U.S. citizen and was born in Hawaii, he also feels like one of us because he bears in his memory the sights, sounds and smells of other lands. He has family in every corner of the planet. So do we. We love our new home fiercely, but we cannot imagine how a prosperous and secure American future can be won at the expense of other peoples.

Love for our mother countries is deep, but we do not long to return. When I visit India, I am somehow outed within seconds as an American even before I open my mouth. Is it the directness of my gaze? Is there a confidence or even cockiness in my stride that comes from being raised in the home of the brave?

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