Friday, November 14, 2008


There is a "new" book called 
The Voice which is a revision of the New Testament produced with the help of Emergent church guru Brian McLaren. This is what he has to say about this revision:

"Works like J.B. Phillips’ translation and more recently Eugene Peterson’s The Message have done us a great service. They have given us Bibles with literary style. But unfortunately, they have rendered the whole Bible into one literary style. That is an improvement over tofu-vanilla scholarly translations in many ways, but one of the fascinating things about the Bible is that it is the work of forty-some writers, each with their own unique style. SoThe Voice would do something unique: it would pair writers who write with a distinctive literary style together with scholars who would pay close attention to accuracy in light of our best scholarship."

Some examples of terms used in Voice: Christ is translated  as “Liberating King, ”baptism as “ceremonial cleansing” [since it is derived from evolved from the Hebrew “mikhveh” bath… which was used to cleanse women at the end of the menstrual cycle]  “Son of Man” as “New Generation of Humanity”.  Scripture Interpreter:
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